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  • September 21, 2023 3 min read

    Reducing Insects in Horse Stables: Comprehensive Approaches for Horse Health

    Insects, particularly flies, can be more than just a nuisance in horse stables. They can transmit diseases, cause infections, and lead to overall discomfort for both horses and their caretakers. Tackling this issue requires a multifaceted approach encompassing stable management, repellents, dietary supplements, and strategic turnout. Let's delve deeper into each aspect.


    1. Stable Management

    Maintaining stable cleanliness is paramount. By removing manure daily, you're removing a primary breeding site for flies. Here are a stable management practices to reduce insect populations:

    - Regular Cleaning: Muck out stalls daily, ensuring to remove all wet and soiled bedding.

    - Manure Management: Store manure away from the stable in a covered site. Composting can heat the manure to a level where fly larvae cannot survive. If you are unable to manage manure appropriately, there are companies that will collect manure for you. 

    - Water Management: Ensure there's no stagnant water in or around the stable. Flies and other insects breed in wet, organic matter. Clean water troughs regularly.  

    - Ventilation: Good airflow can deter flies and other insects from settling in a stable. If your stable has inadequate ventilation, the use of ceiling or wall fans can increase airflow and deter insects.

    - Traps and Barriers: Use fly traps or sticky tapes to catch adult flies. 


    1. Repellents

    A variety of repellents can also help keep insects at bay:

    - Commercial Repellents: Available in sprays, wipes, and roll-ons. Always read labels and follow the manufacturer's recommendations. Some are designed for direct application on the horse, while others are meant for the environment.

    - Natural Repellents: DIY mixtures often include ingredients like apple cider vinegar, eucalyptus oil, and tea tree oil. However, sensitivity varies among horses, so always test a small area before full application.

    - Fly Sheets and Masks: These physical barriers can prevent flies from bothering your horse. Ensure they fit well to avoid chafing and check regularly for cleanliness.


    1. Dietary Supplements

    Some dietary supplements are believed to alter a horse's blood chemistry, making them less attractive to biting insects:

    - Garlic: When added to feed, garlic can act as a natural repellent. However, it's crucial not to overfeed, as excessive amounts can be toxic to horses.

    - Apple Cider Vinegar: Some horse owners believe that adding apple cider vinegar to a horse's daily ration can deter flies. 

    - Brewer's Yeast: This supplement is another option believed to deter pests. Always consult with a veterinarian before adding any supplement to a horse's diet to ensure it's safe and beneficial.

    - Omega 3: Omega 3 oil won’t deter flies or other biting insects from biting your horse, but if your horse has a sensitivity to biting insects, then feeding a diet rich in Omega 3s can help reduce skin inflammation and promote a healthy skin and coat. 

    1. Strategic Turnout

    Insects have peak activity times, typically dawn and dusk. By understanding their patterns, you can turn horses out during times when insect activity is low:

    - Daytime Turnout: During hot summer months, consider turning your horse out during the day and stabling at night to avoid the peak mosquito activity at dawn and dusk. However, summer in Australia is hot, hence it is imperative that your horse has ample shade and cool water!

    - Shaded Areas: Flies tend to avoid dark, shaded areas. Ensure your pasture has adequate shade, whether through natural tree cover or man-made shelters.

    Managing insects in horse stables is an ongoing task but one that's crucial for the health and comfort of our equine companions. By employing a combination of strategies from stable cleanliness to strategic turnout, you can significantly reduce the impact of these pesky pests and ensure a happier environment for both horses and humans. Always monitor your horse's health and consult with equine professionals when implementing new management practices.

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