Horses | Ticks | 10mL/400mL of water or methylated spirits (if rapid drying is required) |
Use in paralysis tick areas daily, searching and removing any ticks found is necessary. |
Stable Fly, Buffalo Fly, Sand-Fly, Queensland Itch | 10mL/400mL of water |
Spray as required for fly nuisance. For QLD itch (Culicoides bite hypersensitivity) spray twice weekly until symptoms abate, then as required. |
Do not use on cats and animals under 12 weeks of age. When diluted in methylated spirits, the product should not be used on broken skin.
Not to be used for any purpose or in any other manner contrary to this label unless authorised under appropriate legislation.
Withholding Period (Horses): Not to be used on horses intended for human consumption.