How do I administer Sykes Drench?
Sykes Drench is administered using a drenching bottle (or any long neck bottle). Add the contents of the packet of the recommended quantity to 550 mL of WARM water, in a jug of at least 1 litre capacity. Stir for 1 minute until the ingredients dissolve. Pour the smoothly suspended liquid into the drenching bottle. Sykes Drench should also be administered with the use of elbow-length PVC gloves.
Impaction Colic- Give a high enema with warm soapy water then drench with 1 packet of Sykes Drench
Sand Colic- Give 559mL molasses diluted with warm water. Follow in 24 hours with 1 packet of Sykes Drench
NOTE: Use all products within 24 hours of mixing
Step by step instructions on how to drench a cow
Stand on the right-hand side of the cow
Place your left arm over the front of the cows head
With the tips of your fingers held firmly against the roof of the mouth raise the cow’s head slightly
Ensure the muzzle is no higher than eye level*
Place the nozzle of the drenching bottle on the side of the mouth
Slowly pour in the drench, giving the cow time to breathe and swallow
Important facts
If the muzzle is held too high it hinders swallowing and makes the job more difficult as well as risking pneumonia from the drench going down the windpipe
If coughing occurs during administration, stop and lower the head until the coughing stops
Never drench a cow if she is down with Milk Fever
Storage and disposal:
Below 30°C (Room Temperature)
Dispose of empty container by wrapping with paper and putting in garbage.